Can you flow?
Can you flow? Water flows, the waves on the sea flow, a fountain flows, nature [...]
Is your martial art pressure tested?
Is your martial art pressure tested? So many people do so many different types of [...]
There is only one angle of attack and defence?
There is only one angle of attack and defence? This is a funny observation, how [...]
Repetition Repetition Repetition
Repetition Repetition Repetition Just siting here thinking about how I can improve my teaching skills [...]
Skill is rank but rank does not equal skill
Skill is rank but rank does not equal skill What Dan grade are you? So [...]
Improve it, evolve it or forget it
Improve it, evolve it or forget it We love shiny toys and new things that [...]
MMA or Traditional martial arts?
MMA or Traditional martial arts? If I had a penny for the amount of times [...]
A mistake is just a lesson in progress
A mistake is just a lesson in progress Are you the type of instructor that [...]
Knife disarms a romantic notion?
Knife disarms a romantic notion? Just finished watching Jason bourne, you have to love the [...]