Be persistent!

Be persistent! Sitting here writing this blog after 50 years of the fighting arts, I [...]

Modern technology is it a friend or foe to the martial arts?

Modern technology is it a friend or foe to the martial arts? We all know [...]

The unspoken skills

The unspoken skills Martial arts are such a huge topic and everyone is concerned with [...]

Pressure point striking verses physical striking

Pressure point striking verses physical striking This is a subject that can be hard to [...]

Path of least resistance

Path of least resistance This is a well known principle in martial arts but it [...]

Solo training

Solo training In this uncertain time and worldwide pandemic that is covid-19 it is now [...]

What’s your style?

What’s your style? What’s your style? As Parsons (bully on the boat in Enter the [...]

Martial arts summer camp June 19th 20th 21st 2020

Martial arts summer camp June 19th 20th 21st   2020 This year we have our Filipino [...]

Principles in action

Principles in action Principles are something that has been in the forefront of my martial [...]


Open-mindedness Today I would like to share some thoughts that may help you on your [...]